JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Legal And Security Politics (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD spoke about the Warrant to Stop Investigation (SP3) of the alleged corruption of SKL BLBI issued by kpk. According to him, the issuance of SP3 is a consequence of the Supreme Court's verdict.

"The release of SP3 by KPK to Samsul Nursalim & Itjih in the case of BLBI (Konpres KPK dated 1/4/21) provoked a boisterous. SP3 is a consequence of the verdict of ma bhw the case is not criminal," he said as quoted from Twitter @mohmahfudmd, Thursday, April 8.

For information, the Supreme Court's decision mentioned by Mahfud was the verdict against Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung. Through the verdict numbered 1555 K/PID. SUS/2019, MA acquitted Syafruddin at the cassation level and called the case not a criminal act but a civil one.

"Samsul N and Itjih were made suspects by the KPK along with former Head of IBRA Syafruddin Tumenggung (ST). ST was sentenced to corruption by PN, 13 yrs plus a fine of 700 jt and toughened by PT to 15 yrs plus a fine of 1M. But MA acquitted ST with a verdict, kss it's not criminal," he said.

He then said the KPK had filed a review of the ruling. However, Syafruddin remained free and a married couple, Sjamsul and Itjih Nursalim also participated.

Furthermore, the government will do the billing and hunting down the assets of the perpetrators. Because, the debt in this case reaches more than Rp108 trillion.

Thus, the President then issued a Presidential Decree (Keppres) on April 6. "The President referred to the Presidential Decree No. 6 of 2021 concerning the Task Force on Handling the Rights of State Bill of Blbi Funds. In the presidential decree there are 5 ministers plus the Attorney General and the Chief of Police who are tasked with directing the Task Force to conduct billing and processing of all guarantees to immediately become state assets," he said.

Previously reported, KPK officially stopped the investigation into the corruption case of issuance of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL). In addition, kpk opens the opportunity to stop the investigation of other old cases.

Through a press conference, KPK Vice Chairman Alexander Marwata stated the blbi SKL corruption case involving three people namely Sjamsul Nursalim and his wife, Itjih Nursalim and Syafruddin Arsyad Tumenggung.

This is the first time, KPK issued a Letter of Termination of Investigation and Prosecution (SP3) in the investigation of corruption cases.

"We announced the termination of the investigation related to alleged corruption committed by the suspect SN (Sjamsul Nursalim) as the controlling shareholder of The National Trade Bank (BDNI) and ISN (Itjih Sjamsul Nursalim), together with SAT (Syafruddin Arsyad Tumenggung) as the chairman of IBRA," Alex said as quoted from the Kpk Ri YouTube account, Thursday, April 1.

He explained that the termination of this investigation is based on Article 40 of KPK Law No. 19 of 2019. As a law enforcement officer, alex said, of course the antirasuah commission must comply.

Alex said, the issuance of the Letter of Termination of Investigation and Prosecution (SP3) is also done as a form of providing legal certainty in accordance with the applicable rules. "As mandated by Article 5 of the KPK Law, namely in carrying out its duties and authorities KPK is based on the principle of legal certainty," he said.

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