JAKARTA - For almost four years, Anies realized some of his commitments which were later claimed as achievements. Not only achievements, Anies leadership also often invites controversy.

Here's the Controversy Over Anies' Achievement Claims During His Tenure in Pemrov DKI:

Controversy Claims Anies Achievement During His Tenure

1. Provision of House DP Rp 0

Try to look at the welfare of the people, in 2019 then Anies is also considered to have provided decent housing at a relatively cheap price. This is explained by the dp house program rp 0.

"In terms of procurement of decent and relatively cheap houses, in 2019 DP houses of Rp 0 in Nuansa Pondok Kelapa were completed with a total of 780 units. With an installment price range of Rp 1.1-2.2 million per month for 20 years, residents have been able to receive houses for studio type, 1 room or 2 rooms.

The facilities available at Rumah DP Rp 0 are also quite complete, consisting of elevators, parks, worship rooms, open spaces, parking residents and TransJakarta bus services," said Anies, Tuesday, October 15, as quoted by VOI from the second.

2. Cultural Affairs

Anies' achievement claim controversy during his tenure in 2019, he also claimed achievements in the field of culture. Anies claimed to have held some cultural festivals. From local to international level.

For example JIPFEST, Jakarta International Photo Festival held for the first time, Jakarta International Folklore Festival 2019, West Bank Music, Jakarta Muharram Festival, Dapur Qurban DKI, to Mural Art.

3. Revitalize sidewalks

Anies even thought the claim had revitalized the 134 km sidewalk during his two years in office. The development is said to be indulging pedestrians.

"In terms of pavement eradication, for two years running the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has revitalized the sidewalk along 134 kilometers," Anies told reporters at Balai Kota DKI Jakarta, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (10/15/2019).

4. Ratification of the United Nations

Subsequent controversy, the unification of teachers to heroes of independence also claimed Anies as an achievement. The UN ratification is even more than Rp 180 billion.

"In the case of The Ratification of Land and Buildings Tax (PBB), the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta has a program to waive land and building tax (PBB) for teachers, retired ASN, retired TNI/Polri, independence heroes and former presidents/vice presidents. As of September 2019, there are already 19,929 tax objects that are free of the United Nations with a value of Rp 180.4 billion," said Anies.

5. Increase in Public Transport Users

In 2019, claims of progress in the field of transportation. He explained that the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta is seriously working on improving intermodal integration. There has been an increase in the number of TransJakarta routes, from 109 in 2017 to 220 routes in 2019. The number of buses also increased from 2,380 in 2017 to 3,548 units in 2019.

Furthermore, transportation modes in Jakarta became increasingly integrated through the Jak Lingko program, which is connected to the MRT and LRT. During the public test from June 11 to October 13, 2019, LRT also served 798 thousand passengers. Anies said, with this step, there is a surge in the number of public transport passengers.

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