JAKARTA There is a third party in the murder case of Sinta Handiyana, whose body was found without a head near the Muara Baru gas station, North Jakarta, Tuesday, October 29, 2024. The third party involved in this murder has the status of a witness, the suspect's colleague, Fauzan Fahmi.
Witness initials J played a role in accompanying the suspect Fauzan to dispose of Sinta Handiyana's body. However, the police are still investigating J to determine whether he was involved in this crime.
"We are still making a witness against the suspect's colleague with the initials J. We will continue to explore his involvement later," said Director of General Criminal Investigation (Dirkrimum) Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Wira Satya Triputra to reporters, Monday, November 4.
He said that his party was still collecting evidence and asking for information from several witnesses and experts, to find out the true incident of the case.
"Masih perlu keterangan saksi yang lain apakah dia ini tahu yang di dalam paket itu apa, untuk memastikan itu," ujarnya.
Wira detailed that witness J was contacted by Fauzan to help him. Then, Fauzan and J lifted the package of the corpse into the cart.
"For the next time, it is pushed into the car park," he said.
Arriving at the car park, continued Wira, the package was lifted to a pickup truck that had been prepared beforehand.
After that, the suspect and J then headed towards Soekarno Hatta Airport because the suspect seemed to be sending the package using an airport expedition.
Arriving at the airport, the suspect pretended to J that the person who ordered the goods could not be contacted.
"Finally, the suspect said that he would just throw the package away. After that the suspect and J went to Muara Baru," he said.
At around 22.00 WIB, the suspect and J arrived at Jalan Pelabuhan, Muara Baru. The suspect immediately directed his car to a quiet place, precisely behind the port gas station.
"Furthermore, the suspect went down assisted by J to lower the package of the victim's body and dispose of it on the seafront of Muara Baru Port," said Wira.
Regarding whether the witness knew what was in the sack, investigators were still investigating. Based on the suspect's statement that J was only asked to help send the contents of the tuna.
"Maybe later we will conclude and ask for information," he said.
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