JAKARTA - Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini said that the urgent need needed for survivors of flash floods and landslides in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) in the form of food and heavy equipment.

"Tomorrow morning at 05.00 I will leave back there, because there are still many areas that I worry about untouched food needs," said Mensos Risma in a press conference monitored online in Jakarta reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 7

According to Risma, in addition to food needs, residents affected by the disaster due to the impact of tropical cyclone Seroja also need heavy equipment to search for bodies that have not been found.

Regarding heavy equipment, Risma said it will be sought ways to be immediately delivered to the disaster site including chainsaws to cut down fallen trees that close access to the main road.

Another urgent need in the form of medicines because quite a lot of victims were injured in the disaster.

Areas that are still difficult to reach and severely affected according to Risma are in Adonara, Lembata, Pantar Island in Alor, East Sumba, Ende and Malacca.

Earlier on Tuesday, April 6, Mensos had reviewed the disaster site in Lembata and Adonara districts and assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs had also arrived at the site.

"In Alor we have distributed foodstuffs, although (I-red) can not get there. In East Sumba the victims are displaced quite a lot, we will send it back," he added.

Tropical cyclone Seroja has caused extreme weather in the NTT region causing flash floods, landslides and strong winds.

The affected areas are East Flores Regency, Malacca, Lembata Ngada, West Sumba, East Sumba, Rote Ndao, Ende, Sabu Raijua, Alor, Kupang, Belu, North Central Timor and Kupang city.

Based on data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) until Wednesday at 14.00 WIB, the impact of the cyclone caused the death toll of 124 people died, 74 people missing, 129 injured and 13,230 people displaced.

The highest number of fatalities in East Flores Regency was 67 people, Lembata 28 people, Alor 21 people, Malacca three people, Sabu Raijua two people, Kupang City, Ende Regency and Kupang Regency each one person.

Material losses while recorded 1,962 units of houses affected with details of 154 units lightly damaged, 272 units moderately damaged, 688 severely damaged and 87 public facilities affected where 24 units were severely damaged.

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