JAKARTA - The entire tvOne extended family expresses their deep condolences to the families and relatives of the accident victims which resulted in the loss of three members of the television crew. The vehicle carrying the tvOne crew with license plate number B 1048 DKG had an accident on the Jakarta Toll Road Pemalang KM 315, Thursday 31 October.
"We immediately took quick steps when we received this news and there was already a tvOne team assigned to this incident," said TvOne and ANTV Deputy Editor-in-Chief Reva Deddy Utama, Thursday, October 31.
Reva said that TvOne is committed to providing support and assistance to those affected by this incident and currently Chief Editor of tvOne, Lalu Mara Satriawangsa will also go directly to Pemalang to help with the repatriation of the bodies and survivors.
"The authorities are conducting an investigation to determine the exact cause of this accident. We urge all parties to remain calm and wait for further official information," he said.
Reva also invited the public to pray that the deceased would be accepted by his deeds of worship, forgiven for his sins by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And the survivors, as well as the families left behind, were given fortitude and strength in facing this difficult time.
The accident was discovered when the production crew of the factual investigation program was on their way to cover Gresik.
One of the survivors, Felicia, said that before the incident, she and other television crew had time to pray at dawn in the rest area and then continued their journey.
"When on the way to the windshield the car was a bit dirty and had to be cleaned manually, we ended up stopping on the shoulder of the road. At that time we were suddenly hit from behind," said Felicia.
The victim in the accident was:
1. Driver on behalf of Sunardi. The victim suffered injuries to the heavy head, fracture of the nasal bone, irregular torn right leg of the victim died at the scene and was then evacuated to RSI Al Ikhlas Taman Pemalang. 2. Passengers on the second row behind the wheel, on behalf of Marwan. The victim suffered chest stab wounds, abdoment injuries, chin abrasions, the victim died at the scene and was then evacuated to RSI Al Ikhlas Taman Pemalang.3. The third row passenger, on behalf of Alwan Syahmimidi. The victim suffered a fracture of his right foot, chest fracture, abdoment injury, the victim died at the scene and then evacuated to RSI Al Ikhlas Taman Pemalang.
4. Passengers beside the wheel, on behalf of Felicia Amelinda Deqi Priatna. The victim suffered a minor head injury, a laceration in the back of the head, conscious condition was treated at RSI Al Ikhlas Pemalang Park. 5. The second row passenger on the left, on behalf of Geisgy Yudhistira. The victim suffered minor head injuries, chest breaks, abrasions on the face, conscious condition was treated at RSI Al Ikhlas Pemalang.
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