TANGERANG - Candidate for Regent of Tangerang Regency number 2, Maesyal Rasyid, recently attended the Prophet Muhammad SAW's birthday in Kampung Bakung, Balaraja District. In the midst of a happy atmosphere, he met a talented painter who managed to attract his attention.

"Unexpectedly, he was amazed by me and painted my face on the canvas with sincerity. I feel very touched by his beautiful work", Maesyal wrote in his upload on Instagram quoted October 27, 2024.

This meaningful meeting became a memorable experience for Maesyal. He was inspired by the painter's expertise and dedication, which managed to capture the essence of the moment in a work of art.

As a form of appreciation and gratitude, Maesyal decided to buy the painting

"I decided to buy the painting. Hopefully this work will serve as a reminder of the moment full of warmth at this maulid event," said Maesyal.

Maesyal shows how important it is to respect local arts and culture. He hopes that this meeting with talented artists will motivate more people to support and preserve the works of art in Tangerang Regency.

Maesyal believes that art can be a bridge to strengthening togetherness and mutual respect in society.

"In every painting, there are stories and souls that we must respect. Let's support the artists, because they are the driving force of our culture," Maesyal said.

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