Palembang District Attorney, South Sumatra picked up a woman, Al Naura Karima Pramesti, a fugitive in a fraud case who has been hiding in Japan for the past three years.

Escorted by officers from the Palembang District Attorney, Naura arrived at Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport in Palembang, Saturday (26/10/2024) and was immediately taken to the Palembang Kejari Office.

The atmosphere was quite boisterous in welcoming the arrival of the figure they were looking for. So that a tight guard was carried out when he was escorted to the Palembang Kejari detention car.

The arrest and repatriation of the young woman was the result of a collaboration between the Indonesian Attorney General's Office and Interpol and the Japanese government's authority.

Previously, the Indonesian Attorney General's Team (AGO) consisting of representatives of the Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence (Jamintel) together with the Deputy Attorney General for General Crimes (Jampidum), the Legal and Foreign Relations Bureau and Interpol worked together to hunt down the fugitive in the fraud case, and on Friday (25/10/2024) was brought from Japan to Indonesia.

Head of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office for Legal Information, Harli Siregar, revealed that the fugitive named Al Naura Karima Pramesti was a convict in a fraudulent investment fraud case as decided by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 1211 K/Pid/2022 dated November 9, 2022. So far, he has been hiding in Japan.

"The convict was sent home to serve a two-year prison sentence, in which the case was handled by the Palembang District Attorney," Harli said at a press conference in Jakarta, Friday night (25/10/2024).

He explained that Al Naura's repatriation was carried out thanks to the cooperation and synergy between the Legal Bureau and the Indonesian Attorney General's Foreign Relations with NCB Interpol, Attache Immigration at the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tokyo.

The convict, he continued, was secured by Japanese authorities at the request of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office and Interpol in Jakarta, facilitated by the Immigration Attache at the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo to then be repatriated to the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Interpol issued a red notice, a request to law enforcement around the world to seek and arrest someone pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action.

Furthermore, said Harli, Al Naura was handed over to the Attorney General's Intelligence Team for further execution in accordance with the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 1211 K/Pid/2022 dated November 9, 2022.

One of the victim's legal team, Saptalia, expressed his appreciation to the prosecutor's office and Interpol for arresting the suspect after fleeing abroad.

He said his client was one of the victims who reported the case along with other victims in Lampung, Jambi, Bengkulu.

He also mentioned that there are still several other reports that will follow up to the investigation stage.

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