JAKARTA - The Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) projects an increase in the Cost of Organizing Hajj (BPIH) for 2021 of IDR 9.1 million per person.

With details, for the non-subsidized cost, which was initially Rp. 35.2 million to around Rp. 44 million per person. Meanwhile, the subsidy is Rp.43.11 million from Rp.33.9 million. This figure is based on a 25 percent quota scenario.

"So there is an increase of Rp. 9.1 million. This has been discussed in the FGD," said the Head of BPKH Anggito Abimanyu in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VIII DPR RI, Tuesday, April 6.

Anggito explained a number of factors that led to the increase in the cost of Hajj in 2021. Among them, the weakening of the rupiah exchange rate, the increase in the cost of Hajj flights, and accommodation while in Saudi Arabia.

"Currently, the rupiah exchange rate has reached Rp. 14,500, while the assumption of the Ministry of Religion is still Rp. 14,200 per US dollar," said Anggito.

Even so, said Anggito, the figure for the increase was still only a projection or estimate. According to him, the cost of Hajj in 2021 can still change depending on economic conditions and government policies.

Anggito also explained, the increase of Rp9.1 million per person was based on components that had to be adjusted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Namely, around Rp.6.6 million for implementing health protocols, Rp1.4 million for exchange rate increases, and Rp1 million for accommodation such as hotels and catering.

"So we focus on the exchange rate and unit costs. The prokes are not our competence, although we suggest that part of it has been borne by the congregation partly in the state budget, it will reduce the pressure on the value of the benefits of the hajj fund," he explained.

Currently, he said, the management of the hajj fund is in the position of Rp. 145 trillion and the value of benefits is around Rp. 8 trillion.

When using foreign currency in the financing of Hajj, a significant increase will be avoided because the government will pay it in foreign currency. Meanwhile, if you use the rupiah, the value will fluctuate in line with exchange rate conditions.

"But if we provide (foreign exchange), Alhamdulillah we have done enough mitigation to finance, we can even reduce BPIH in the form of foreign currency. So please take this into consideration in the discussion of BPIH's working committee," said Anggito.

Meanwhile, BPKH Financial and Risk Management Implementing Agency Member Acep Riana Jayaprawira said the increase in BPIH was not borne by the congregation. However, it will be fully covered by the 2020 Virtual Account distribution.

"Namely Rp1.7 million per congregation to pay off the congregation's delay and the remaining subsidies for the current year's benefit value of approximately Rp.7.46 million per congregation. So that the BPIH congregation's deposit balance is Rp.36.94 million per congregation," said Acep.

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