YOGYAKARTA - Talking about the political nature of Indonesia's foreign countries, of course, our country does not side with forces that basically do not match the nation's personality as reflected in Pancasila.
Active means that in carrying out its foreign wisdom, Indonesia is not passive to its international events, but proactive. With this free and active foreign policy, Indonesia places itself as a subject in international relations, and not as an object.
As a subject, it means that Indonesia has the freedom to behave and socialize in international relations. The Indonesian nation as a sovereign nation has the right to establish its foreign wisdom.
The nature of Indonesian foreign politics
Active nature of foreign politics requires Indonesia to actively strive to eliminate imperialism and colonialism in order to achieve world eradication. Indonesia's foreign political nature is firmly implied in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, namely anticolonialism and antiimperialism. In principle, colonialism and imperialism are contrary to humanity and justice.
So, Indonesian foreign politics is neither isolation nor expansionist. This means that the Indonesian nation does not shut itself off from international relations, it actually brings together friendship and cooperation with other nations that are mutually beneficial on the basis of equality of degree.
On the other hand, the Indonesian nation will also not expand the region by dominating the territory of other countries. The Indonesian nation wants to coexist peacefully with other nations in the world. The Indonesian nation respects the sovereignty of other countries and does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
Hakhat politik luar negeri Indonesia yang bebas aktif memberikan polat
1. respect the sovereignty of the state and do not interfere in the affairs of other countries without intervention,
2. regardless of the ties of the military ideological block and free to determine their own problems
3. Denying all forms of colonialism and actively making world understanding.
4. International cooperation in all mutually beneficial fields,
5. live along in peace,
6. Fighting for a world economic structure with social justice. Cooperation with other countries is a manifestation of the realization of Indonesian foreign politics.
The Goals Of Foreign Politics Of The Republic Of Indonesia
Dalam Agenda Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional Tahun 2004-2009, antara lain diungkapkan bahwa target pembangunan politik luar negeri yakni peningkatnya peranan Indonesia dalam hubungan internasional dalam mewujudkan penentraman dunia citra Indonesia, kepercayaan masyarakat internasional, dan mendukung terciptanya kesataan dan kerja ekonomi ekonomi regional dan internasional yang lebih bagus dalam mendukung pembangunan nasional. Itu dasar sifat politik luar negeri Indonesia.
Based on Law No. 37 of 1999, foreign politics, namely the policies, attitudes, and steps taken by the Indonesian government in carrying out relations with other countries, international organizations and other subjects of international law in order to deal with international problems to achieve national goals. From the two statements above, it can be concluded that Indonesian foreign politics has special goals and general goals.
The special goal of Indonesian foreign politics is to support national development. Meanwhile, in general, Indonesia's foreign political goal is to achieve national goals.
Foreign politics is essentially one of the means to achieve national interests and national goals. National development is one of the national interests of the Indonesian nation. So, active free foreign politics is one of the means to achieve national interests, namely supporting national development.
The purpose of Indonesia's foreign political nature is currently directed at the achievement and fulfillment of national interests, among others as follows.
1. Affirm the direction of Indonesian foreign politics which is free and active and oriented towards the national interest.
2. Focus on developing solidarity between developing countries.
3. Supporting the nation's struggle for independence, rejecting colonialism in various forms.
4. Improving the independence of the nation and international cooperation for the welfare of the people.
5. Improve the quality and performance of foreign officials in order to be able to carry out proactive diplomacy in all fields.
6. Building a positive image of Indonesia in the international community, providing protection and defense of citizens and the interests of Indonesia.
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