JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, issued a secret telegram (STR) regarding the prohibition of media broadcasting attempts or actions by police officers to display arrogance.

The order, which is registered under the number ST / 750 / IV / HUM.3.4.5. / 2021, was signed by the Head of Public Relations Division, Irjen Argo Yuwono, on behalf of the National Police Chief. STR is a direction (Jukrah) for all levels of the police.

The National Police STR contains a nine point prohibition. The whole content concerns limiting the publication of violent activities.

"The media are prohibited from broadcasting police efforts / actions that display arrogance and violence. Then are advised to broadcast police activities that are assertive but humanist," the STR wrote as quoted on Tuesday, April 6.

In the STR, the National Police Chief also ordered all levels in public relations not to provide records of the police interrogation process in investigating suspects, including reconstruction activities.

In addition, the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit also stated that he asked not to re-broadcast rape or sexual crimes, to disguise the faces and identities of victims and families of sexual crimes, as well as the perpetrators.

"Not showing explicit and detailed scenes of suicide and the identity of the perpetrators. Including, not showing scenes of brawls or fights in detail and repeatedly," he wrote.

The National Police Chief also requested that the arrest of criminals not include the media. That activity, too, may not be broadcast live. In addition, documentation of prosecution is carried out by competent INP personnel

"Not displaying the procedures for the manufacture and activation of explosives must not be shown in detail and explicitly," wrote the STR.

Confirmed about the secret telegram, Karo Penmas of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, confirmed the STR. But the order was specifically for the field of public relations across the ranks of the Police.

"STR is aimed at the head of public relations, it is a directive and direction from the Headquarters to the region, only for internal purposes," said Brigadier General Rusdi.

The STR was issued, said Rusdi, to improve the performance of the National Police. That way, the National Police, especially in the field of public relations, is expected to be more professional.

"The consideration is that the regional police's performance is getting better," continued Rusdi.

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