JAKARTA - A 36-year-old woman named Daniela Carrasco was found dead hanging from a fence near André Jarlan Park, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Chile, in October 2019.

Daniela is known as an artist who is also a symbol of the movement against the government of Chilean President Sebastian Pinera. When protesting, Daniela dressed like a clown.

Much speculation has spread after Daniela's death. At first glance, Daniela looks dead as a result of suicide. However, many suspect that Daniela died because she was murdered. This is because several people via social media claim to have seen Daniela alive for the last time, when she was arrested by the police.

After one month of death, on November 20 to be precise, news of the alleged death of Daniela being murdered again appeared in the newspapers. The news spread by the protesters said that Daniela died as a result of being killed by the police. In the news it was also stated that Daniela was raped and tortured by the police until she was hanged.

This news was later denied by the family. The family, represented by lawyers from the Abofema association, said Daniela's death was purely a result of suicide. Lawyers for Abofema also appealed to the protesters to stop speculating because the investigation process for the death of the woman who has the nickname 'El Mimo' is also not yet complete.

"The investigation into (Daniela's) death is still ongoing and the analysis we have so far shows that he left a letter prior to his suicide and so far no signs of torture or sexual harassment have been found," said a statement provided by the family lawyer. News.

Daniela Carrasco's family asked all parties to be careful in releasing information related to Daniela's death. In addition, the family also advised the authorities to immediately complete the examination so that all parties could immediately find out more valid information.

"We also ask the public prosecutor investigating Daniela's death to only carry out the checks necessary to rule out the hypothesis of third parties participating in her death" and asked Chilean citizens and newspapers not to share unverified information.

Chile riots are getting heats up

The rioting in Chile began with a demonstration of an increase in the tariff for special public transportation during peak hours by US $ 1.17 or around Rp. 16 thousand. In addition, the Chilean people feel that during the leadership of President Pinera, the social condition of the Chilean people has not changed, it is even more difficult. The Chilean government said that the increase was due to soaring fuel prices and the weakening Peso exchange rate.

Reporting from the BBC, the protest was met with cruel treatment from the security forces, including torture and sexual harassment. More than 200 people suffered eye injuries from rubber bullets and tear gas. Even on November 5, it was reported that 8 protest participants died as a result of torture by the police.

The chaos from the protests prompted the opposition to hold a congress to impeach President Pinera. The opposition believes that President Pinera has committed systematic human rights violations during the demonstration. However, President Pinera refused to resign because his reign was still 2 years away and he was sure he would soon be able to make changes.

"I have faith in my job as president and I vow to comply with that duty, to improve the quality of life for citizens," said President Pinera, in an interview by the BBC.

"I truly believe that none of these accusations have worked (brought them down) because the solution in democracy is respecting the rules," he said.

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