JAKARTA - The Aceh High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has targeted more than two suspects of corruption in the construction of the Kuala Gigieng bridge, Simpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency.

The construction of this bridge is sourced from the 2018 Aceh Expenditure Budget (APBA) of IDR 1.8 billion.

Assistant for Special Crimes (Aspidsus) at the Attorney General's Office R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono said that the investigation into the suspected corruption case for the bridge construction has entered the stage of investigation.

"Case investigations are already at the investigation stage. However, investigators have yet to determine the suspect. There are more than two potential suspects," said R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono in Banda Aceh as quoted by Antara, Monday, April 5.

According to R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono, the determination of the suspect was made after the results of the calculation of state losses were issued by the audit team of the Indonesian Representative Office of Finance and Development (BPKP).

Previously, said R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono, the team of experts had gone to the location of the bridge construction to check the value of the work. The results of the examination will be submitted to the BPKP RI Audit Team for the Aceh Representatives.

From the results of the examination, said R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono, it would be known how much loss the state had incurred. Then, a presentation was carried out in front of the Aceh Attorney General's Office leadership, until finally the determination of the suspect.

"The determination of who will be the suspects is not too long, after the calculation of state losses leaves the BPKP and exposes them to the leadership," said R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono.

The Kuala Gigieng Bridge in Gampong Gigieng, Simpang Tiga District, Pidie Regency, was built in three stages. The first phase was built in the 2017 fiscal year with the work of making two bridge foundations with a budget of up to IDR 1.4 billion.

The second phase in 2018 includes steel frame installation work with a budget of up to IDR 1.8 billion. And the third stage in 2019 includes casting and asphalting work with a budget of IDR 1.4 billion.

"What is being investigated is the steel frame installation work with a budget of up to Rp1.8 billion financed by APBA 2018. And it is possible that the work in the other two fiscal years will also be investigated," said R Raharjo Yusuf Wibisono.

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