JAKARTA - Dozens of foreign nationals from China were arrested by the Jakarta Police. This action was carried out in relation to the telkom fraud case or better known as online fraud.

In total there were 91 suspects, consisting of 85 Chinese citizens and 6 other people who were Indonesian citizens. They were arrested from a number of areas in Jakarta and Malang, East Java.

"(The number that was secured) was 91 people from 7 locations. There were 6 Indonesian citizens who were also arrested," said Kapolda Metro Jaya Gatot Eddy at Polda Metro Jaya, Tuesday, November 26.

Regarding some Indonesian citizens, it is said that they are only the 'nurses' of dozens of Chinese citizens. Because from the temporary examination, these people are only tasked with meeting the needs of the perpetrators of fraud.

The amount of losses was estimated at billions of rupiah from the fraud committed by the Chinese foreigners. "From the results of the investigation, the loss was Rp36 billion," added Gatot.

All perpetrators came to Indonesia using tourist visas. Gatot said, from the confessions of the suspects in the Chinese citizen fraud case, they had only been in Indonesia for three to four months.

Chinese citizens who commit online fraud (Rizki / VOI)

By using this method, the dozens of suspects from China could enter without being suspected by the Immigration Office. Given the validity of this tourist visa is only valid for 90 days, the perpetrators will take turns coming to Indonesia

"They come with tourist visas, changing every three months. If we say this group is already there (China)," said Gatot.

Indonesia Becomes a Favorite Location

In addition, the perpetrators used Indonesia as a 'base' to commit fraud. The house in Blok C / 13, Jalan Anggrek Neli Murni II, Slipi, West Jakarta, has also been occupied by the perpetrators for the past year.

"There are three months, some four months, but from the results of our examination of the owner of the house on the lease, they said that for a year. Why is that?

This is the second time the Regional Police has uncovered an online fraud syndicate in Indonesia. Because two years ago, to be precise in 2017, Polda Metro Jaya also revealed a similar case. About 40 foreigners from Taiwan were arrested for committing fraud against citizens in their own country.

Evidence used (Rizki / VOI)

The National Police has also coordinated with the Chinese Police since several years ago. The form of cooperation in question is to provide information to each other about the existence of the fraud syndicate.

"What is clear is that we will continue to strengthen cooperation with police to police. Dithubinter will coordinate this to eliminate existing crimes," said Gatot.

In fact, it was also emphasized that the case in the disclosure of several years ago was a different network. Starting from the mode to the citizens involved, the difference is clear.

In the last case, the perpetrators only pretended to be police or prosecutors. But in this case, the suspect used a new mode by offering a number of investments.

"There is a difference in the past and now, if in the past they were only as police prosecutors, now the role of adding people to invest is also," concluded Gatot, closing his statement.

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