RIAU - The Indonesian Bakamla stopped activities of a Vietnamese boat suspected of fishing in the Natuna waters of the Riau Islands, Friday, April 2 at midnight.

Director of Marine Operations of Bakamla, Laksma Suwito, said that the ship was thought to have just started fishing in Indonesian waters.

Reporting from Antara, the arrest began when KN Dana-323 Island detected a ship in contact with the continental shelf boundary line at a speed of 1.5 knots, Friday around 23.00 WIB.

For this activity, the KN Commander Dana-323 Island, Lt. Col. Bakamla Hananto Widhi, ordered officers to approach the contact to confirm the ship's activities. However, when approached, the ship turned off the ship's lights and tried to escape by increasing the speed of up to 7 knots.

Furthermore, the KN Commander for Dana Island ordered the Visit Board, Search, and Seizure (VBSS) Team to approach using RHIB.

"The target ship is not cooperative and is trying to escape," he said in a written statement, Saturday, April 3.

The chase was carried out until the officers were forced to fire warning shots. However, this Vietnamese ship was stubborn and kept on going until the officers finally fired a second warning shot at the bow where the skipper appeared.

The Vietnamese ship finally slowed down. Three VBSS team personnel managed to get on the ship and finally the fleet was stopped. According to the initial inspection, the ship was a Vietnamese-flagged fishing vessel with hull number BD 311xx-TS.

It is known that the ship had just sailed from Vietnam to Indonesian waters to look for fish. The fish catch is known to be 25kg and the hold of the ship is filled with chunks of ice.

Furthermore, the ship and six crew members (ABK), which numbered escorted and secured to Batam Base to undergo further legal proceedings.

"Once again, this action is a manifestation of Bakamla RI in demonstrating commitment and integrity in safeguarding Indonesian waters and jurisdictions," he said.

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