NUSANTARA - President Joko Widodo or Jokowi emphasized that moving the capital city is not only a matter of moving physical infrastructure. More than that, the number one person in Indonesia explained that moving the capital city takes time to ensure that the ecosystem in it is ready.

This was conveyed by Jokowi when asked about the presidential decree (keppres) regarding the relocation of the capital city from Jakarta to the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) which has not yet been signed.

"Once again I say, moving the capital city is not only a physical matter, but building the ecosystem is what is necessary, the ecosystem must be," he said when met in the National Aquaculture Area, IKN, East Kalimantan, Sunday, October 6.

The former mayor of Solo then explained the need for an ecosystem, such as health and education facilities, must be ready before the capital city is officially moved.

"So if we move the name, the hospital is ready because it is needed, education for our children is also ready, schools means it is also needed, from kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, vocational schools to universities," he continued.

In addition, Jokowi also mentioned that there needs to be facilities that invite crowds to revive the ecosystem in IKN. He also emphasized that the government must ensure that logistical needs are ready so that residents living in IKN can later buy necessities of life.

"Then the crowd, restaurants and stalls are also needed, then also problems related to logistics where we are looking for something, where we are looking for something, want to buy goods, all of that must be ready," he added.

Jokowi then said that the signing of the presidential decree for the relocation of the capital city should be signed by the president in the upcoming government, namely Prabowo Subianto.

"Yes, it should be like that, the new president, Pak Prabowo," he concluded.

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