TASIKMALAYA - Two detainees from the Tasikmalaya District Prosecutor's Office (Kejari) escaped while undergoing isolation due to positive COVID-19 at Purbaratu Hospital, Tasikmalaya City, West Java. The police are now looking for both.

Kapolsek Cibeureum AKP Suyitno said the two detainees were known to have fled when health workers were about to check the patient's blood pressure in the isolation room at around 06.30 WIB.

"There should be three patients in the room, but when they were about to be examined at 06.30 WIB, the door was opened, only one person was left," said AKP Suyitno, quoted by Antara, Friday, April 2.

The health worker immediately reported the patient's flight to the police. The police then proceeded to process the scene of the case.

AKP Suyitno said that from the results of the on-site inspection, none of the door locks were damaged. The patient allegedly fled through the unlocked window of another room.

"It is suspected that he ran away through the window in a separate room, if the detention room has no window," he said.

Meanwhile, the escaped prisoners began to undergo medical treatment at Purbaratu Hospital, Wednesday, March 31. Patients who fled were Dimas (38) and Panji (28) prisoners in criminal cases of embezzlement and drugs.

The police are currently coordinating with the Garut District Attorney to get a complete identity, and then a search is being carried out.

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