TANJUNG SELOR - Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of North Kalimantan Province (Kaltara) released data on the latest economic indicators related to inflation, Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP), developments in the transportation, tourism, exports and import sectors.

Plh. Assistant for the Economy and Development of Kaltara Province, Burhanuddin said, Kaltara Province recorded year-on-year (yon-y) inflation of 1.59 percent in August 2024.

The highest inflation occurred in Nunukan Regency, reaching 1.84 percent with a Consumer Price Index (IHK) of 107.24.

"Then Tanjung Selor recorded the lowest inflation, which was 0.64 percent with an IHK of 104.54. The largest increase in expenditure groups were food, beverages, and tobacco (2.48 percent), followed by clothing and footwear groups (2.87 percent)," said Burhanuddin, Tuesday, October 1.

Burhanuddin said that controlling inflation is a priority, especially in the food and energy sector.

"Although inflation is under control, rising food prices need special attention to maintain people's purchasing power," he said.

Next is the increase in Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) in September 2024, which reached 113.36, up 0.36 percent compared to the previous month. This increase was influenced by the sub-sector of People's Plantation Plants which recorded the highest NTP of 180.19, showing an increase in welfare for farmers in this sector.

"The increase in NTP is a positive signal, especially for farmers in the plantation sector. However, the government still has to support them with better access to technology and the market," he explained.

Meanwhile, the foreign trade sector continues to show positive results with exports in August 2024 reaching US$ 136.62 million, while imports amounting to US$ 80.21 million. This resulted in a trade balance surplus of US$ 56.40 million.

"The trade surplus is an achievement that needs to be appreciated, but we must not be complacent. The government must continue to encourage the export of superior commodities and look for new markets for local products," he said.

Burhanuddin emphasized that strategic steps must be taken in response to the economic data in August and September 2024.

First, increasing accessibility and transportation efficiency by improving air and sea transportation infrastructure and services to strengthen connectivity between regions, especially in remote areas that are difficult to reach.

"International tourism promotions need to be developed aggressively, accompanied by collaboration with industry players to attract more tourists, as well as improve tourism infrastructure to support the comfort of visitors," he explained.

According to him, increasing export performance is the focus by strengthening superior commodity supply chains such as plantations and fisheries, as well as encouraging innovation in export product production and quality to increase competitiveness in the global market.

"Pengendalian inflasi dan harga pangan juga harus dilakukan dengan mengawasi harga pangan dan energi secara ketat untuk menjaga stabilitas inflasi, terutama di wilayah yang rawan terhadap kenaikan harga," ujar dia.

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