MUKOMUKO - There are five waterfalls in Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu which are considered capable of becoming leading natural tourist destinations in this area.

"We have a waterfall that can be a destination. This waterfall is located inside and outside the limited production forest area in this area, ”said Head of the Tourism, Youth and Sports Office of Mukomuko Apriansyah Regency as quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 1.

This was conveyed in relation to the results of his joint work visit with the Regent of Mukomuko Sapun to the Ministry of Environment. The Regent asked for permission to use the waterfall to become a leading natural tourist attraction in this area.

There are five waterfalls, namely waterfalls in Malin Deman District, Mandi Angin Waterfall in Air Berau Village, Terjuan Sikai Waterfalls in Lubuk Selandak Village and two waterfalls in Selagan Raya District.

Apriansyah hopes to get permission from the central government to exploit the potential of existing natural resources and this activity will also be an opportunity to arrange areas within the forest area.

With the existence of tourist objects in the forest area in this area, the district government can boost the local economy and is earmarked for tourism.

He said the local government asked the central government for permission to exploit the potential of natural resources in the form of waterfalls located in forest areas in a number of these areas.

He also asked the central government for permission to allow the local community to manage the potential of natural resources to become a tourist attraction in this area.

In addition, Apriansyah said, his party is cooperating with communities near forest areas to manage the potential for natural wealth to become a tourist attraction.

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