JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office has begun demolishing the main building of the Attorney General's Office, which was damaged after the fire in August 2020.

"The demolition of the building has received approval from the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia," said the Head of the General Information Center (Kapuspenum) of the Attorney General's Office, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak in a written statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, March 31.

According to Leonard, in state administration, the main building of the Attorney General's Office is state property (BMN) which is registered at the Directorate General of State Assets, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.

He said, based on an analysis by the Building Value Analysis Team from the Directorate of Building Management at the Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the main building of the Attorney General's Office is no longer possible to be used again.

"It is not possible to be reused, so the building must be demolished," he said.

Leonard added that the Ministry of Finance has approved the demolition of the Main Building of the Attorney General's Office for the removal and sale of the demolished building.

Leonard added, the demolition of the Main Building of the Attorney General's Office was carried out with due observance of Occupational Safety and Security (K3) and did not interfere with the operational duties of the Attorney General's office.

Saturday, August 22, 2020 at 19.00 WIB, the Main Office of the Attorney General's Office, South Jakarta was engulfed in the rooster until the next day. The main building is occupied starting from the second floor, where the AGO leadership, namely the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, are occupied, then on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Intelligence Division and the Junior Attorney General Intelligence. Furthermore, the 5th and 6th floors are occupied by the Development Division and the Deputy Attorney General for Development.

From the results of the investigation, there was a criminal element in the fire incident at the Main Office of the Attorney General's Office.

In the case of the main building fire at the Attorney General's Office, National Police investigators have named eight people as suspects with the initials S, H, T, K, IS, UAM, RS and NH.

The suspects S, H, T and K were construction workers, IS was a wallpaper builder, UAM was the foreman. Meanwhile, RS is the Director of PT APM which produces Top Cleaner cleaning fluid. Finally, the suspect is NH as the Head of Sub-Section Sarpras and the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Attorney General's Office.

The suspects were subject to Article 188 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code. They face up to five years in prison.

The cause of the fire was because five masons had neglected to smoke in the Personnel Bureau Hall, 6th floor of the Main Office of the Attorney General's Office. At that time, they were repairing the room but smoking, even though there were flammable materials such as glue, thinner, paper, carpet and others.

Until this news was published, no demolition activity had been carried out, nor was it known what demolition method would be carried out.

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