JAKARTA - The government will oblige all schools and other educational units to implement face-to-face learning (PTM) in July.

The plan to open this school is stated in the Joint Decree (SKB) of the Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs regarding Implementation Guidelines during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim said, although schools at all levels of education are required to open, there are conditions that must be met.

First, all teachers and education personnel must have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Then, the school also still has to serve online distance learning (PJJ) options.

"So, like it or not, even though vaccination has been completed, it is mandatory to provide limited face-to-face meetings. But it still has to go through a rotation system. So it must provide both face-to-face and distance learning options," said Nadiem on Tuesday, March 30. .

Face-to-face learning protocol

Initially, all educational units must complete a checklist or checklist before starting face-to-face learning services. Nadiem reminded all education units to continue to implement strict health protocols. Classrooms must be limited to 50 percent of the existing capacity.

In detail, the level of education for SMA, SMK, MA, MAK, SMP, MTs, SD, MI, and the like is obliged to limit the number of students to a maximum of 18 people. Then, special schools (SLB) and PAUD are limited to a maximum of 5 people per class. All table distance per person is 1.5 meters.

"Of all the conditions, the most important thing is social distancing at least one and a half meters, keep the distance between benches and chairs. Usually 36 students, now 50 percent is 18 people," explained Nadiem.

In addition, every member of the school and other educational units must also continue to wear masks, wash their hands frequently using soap, and keep their distance during activities.

Prohibited activities

Even though the school has opened later, the canteen still has to be closed, then sports activities to extracurricular activities are still prohibited.

"No activities in the canteen, no sports and extracurricular activities, and other activities besides learning, are not allowed for the first two months of transition when he starts face-to-face," he said.

However, said Nadiem, learning activities outside the environment such as visiting teachers are allowed while maintaining health protocols.

Schools must be closed if a COVID-19 case is found

Nadiem said that the central government, regional governments and regional offices of the Ministry of Religion would monitor implementation activities in each school.

If a COVID-19 case is found, the head of the education unit is required to handle the case and can temporarily stop face-to-face learning at the school.

"If there is an infection in the school, it can be closed immediately, limited face-to-face as long as the infection is still there or occurs," he said.

In the event that there is a central government policy, for example a region or sub-district is implementing PPKM, the regional government can also eliminate PTM.

"If there is an infection, it must be temporarily closed for the school and if the area is conducting PPKM or restrictions, it is also permissible for face-to-face learning to be temporarily suspended beforehand," he explained.

In addition, each parent is also given the freedom to decide their child to take face-to-face learning or continue to undergo distance learning.

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