JAKARTA - The XXI/2024 National Sports Week (PB PON) Grand Committee for the North Sumatra Region (North Sumatra) said that the situation for the implementation of PON in North Sumatra has so far been safe, under control, and conducive.

"Currently, the situation is conducive, starting from the preparation of the venue, to the preparation operation for the opening, to the implementation of the match, until then the closing ceremony," said Deputy Chairman of the Security Division (Wakabid) of the North Sumatra Supervisory and Steering Committee (Panwasrah) Brigadier General TNI (Ret.) Purwandi quoting Antara.

He then ensured that the security officers consisting of elements of the TNI, Polda, and local government (Pemda) were very ready to secure the implementation of the PON which was scheduled to be closed through the closing ceremony on September 20.

"Those were all secured by troops who had been formed involving 5,142 personnel from the National Police, 472 TNI personnel, and 420 personnel from the regional government," he added.

Furthermore, Purwandi said that preparations for securing PON in North Sumatra had been carried out for about a year. The parties who were secured, he said, included all elements ranging from athletes, committees, visitors, to people in North Sumatra.

"Meanwhile, security is carried out starting from the place of arrival, the place of the match, the places of stay, industrial central places, tourist attractions, and routes traversed by athletes, officials, and visitors," he said.

Previously, regarding security, the North Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) had prepared a Command Center for maximum security in the 2024 PON.

"Command Center is a control room to monitor security activities, not only objects of activity, but lodging for officials and stadium athletes," said North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Pol Whisnu Hermawan Februanto.

Whisnu lalu mengatakan tempat itu memiliki kepala perencanaan dan pengendalian operasi yang dapat memantau langsung setiap kegiatan para satuan tugas di lapangan.

Furthermore, he said that the monitoring was also connected to surveillance cameras or CCTV in Medan City. In addition, officers when needed to carry out activities in the field if there are problems, threats and disturbances in the field can be controlled quickly.

The North Sumatra Police Chief also said that the existence of the Command Center also aims to ensure that community activities are not disrupted during the XXI PON event which will take place on September 9, 2024.

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