JAKARTA - The Sorong District Attorney has named three suspects, namely the Head of the Sorong Industrial Work Training Center (BLKI) with the initials RA, the Head of the CV BPP Company, BO and Contractor S.

The three of them were involved in alleged corruption in the construction service work for the development of Talent Corner at BLKI Sorong for the 2022 Fiscal Year.

The determination of the three suspects was based on the Suspect Determination Letter Number: KEP-29/R.2.11/Fd.1/09/2024 dated 13 September 2024 on behalf of suspect RA, then Letter of Determination of Suspect Number: KEP-30/R.2.11/Fd.1/09/2024 dated 13 September 2024 on behalf of suspect BO and Letter of Determination of Suspect Number: KEP-31/R.2.11/Fd.1/09/2024 dated 13 September 2024 on behalf of suspect S.

"In this case, RA acts as a commitment-making official (PPK) in the construction of the Talent Corner Building at the Sorong Vocational and Productivity Training Center/Sorong Industry Work Training Center," explained the Head of the Sorong District Attorney's Office, Makrun, in Sorong, Antara, Friday, September 13.

RA plays a role in building active communication with suspect S regarding the implementation of work in the field to disbursement of terms I, II, IIII and IV (100 percent) of physical work. Meanwhile, the role of suspect BO who is the Director of CV. BPP as the executor of the job lends his company to suspect S.

"The suspect BO has never been to Sorong City so he does not know the related parties who are working on the construction of the Talent Corner Building," he explained.

He said suspect BO only built communication with suspect S and then sub-chortted all construction services for the development of Talent Corner (UPTP) to individual subcontractors or contractors of Sdr AQ who did not own a company / Legal Agency with a contract value of sub Rp2.3 billion.

Based on the contract value signed between the PPK and the executor of the work worth Rp. 4.2 billion with the work period of 154 calendar days.

He said suspect S borrowed CV. BPP from suspect BO to participate in the tender and carry out work, then actively communicated with brother AQ and suspect BO to divert all work on the construction of the Talent Corner BLKI Sorong.

"Suspect S is also active in controlling CV companies. BPP has participated in tenders from the start, entering work bills and communicating with suspect RA as PPK. And suspect S benefits from this job," he said.

As a result of the transfer of all these jobs, he said, there was a lack of volume or quality of work in the field which was indicated as a loss to State Finance.

Based on the results of the calculation of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Representative of West Papua Province Number PE.03.02/SR-253/PW27/5/2024 dated August 27, 2024, there was a state loss of Rp904 million.

The three suspects are subject to Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

"We have detained the three suspects for the next 20 days at the Class IIB Sorong Penitentiary," he explained.

This detention was carried out based on basic considerations on several subjective reasons contained in Article 21 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code, namely that the suspect is worried that he will run away, destroy or destroy evidence and repeat criminal acts.

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