Dozens of motorbikes parked on sidewalks and stalls of street vendors on Jalan Howitzer Raya to Jalan Howitzer continued RW 01, 02 and RW 06 Sumur Batu Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta, were brought under control by joint officers.

Head of Sumur Batu Village, Nurhidayat said, this activity involved 45 joint officers from the police, TNI, Satpol PP, Transportation, Kemayoran District and Sumur Batu Village. The activities were carried out by officers by combing the Howitzer Street area to Jalan Howitzer Raya.

"This activity is in the context of structuring and controlling street vendors, illegal parking, public and billboards that violate the rules," he said when confirmed, Thursday, September 12.

In addition to part of efforts to organize the area, Jalan Howitzer to Jalan Howitzer Continues is one of Adipura's assessment points.

Thus, joint officers carried out the demolition of buildings and control of street vendors operating on channels, pedestrians and sidewalks.

Meanwhile, vehicles caught carelessly on the shoulder of the road and on the sidewalk are subject to sanctions for removing the penile (OCP) operation.










"The goal is to provide a deterrent effect so that they can also care about pedestrian rights across sidewalks and pedestrians," he said.

This control activity confiscated as many as 2 PKL carts, 1 scavenger cart, 3 wooden tables, 4 wooden benches, 8 plastic benches, 2 mini billboards, 4 iron poles, 2 tubers and 3 commercial banners without permission. In addition, 16 two-wheeled vehicles caught in illegal parking were subject to OCP sanctions.

"Against street vendors, we ask to make a statement not to repeat it. If they are found again, they may later be subject to minor criminal sanctions or Tipiring," he said.

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