JAKARTA - The police are looking for evidence and clues to map the shooter against Brigadier Johan Herik Sibarani to death. So far, it is only known that the mastermind behind the shooting was a member of the armed criminal group (KKB).
"The KKB is being investigated who carried out the shooting," said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, to VOI, Wednesday, September 11.
It is known that the shooting took place at a kiosk belonging to Brigadier Johan in Dukom Village, Tiom District, Lanny Jaya Regency, Papua.
At that time, suddenly the perpetrator came to the scene and then shot Brigadier Johan.
"The victim was hit by a shot in the upper right chest and the right back which caused the victim to die," he said.
In fact, the perpetrator, who is believed to be a member of the Papuan separatist group, also shot civilians in Dugume Village, Ninimae District at around 20.05 WIT.
As a result, a civilian named Adi suffered a gunshot wound to his thigh. Currently, he has received medical treatment to restore his condition
“ The victim was hit by a shot in the upper right thigh consciously and has been evacuated to Tiom Hospital,” said Benny.
Meanwhile, the shooting of Brigadier Johan, who is a member of the Lanny Jaya Police, took place on Tuesday, September 10, at around 19.30 WIT.
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