MATARAM - The Mataram City Police, West Nusa Tenggara, detained a middle-aged housewife (IRT) with the initials AM who is suspected of distributing hard drugs (volume G) brands Tramadol and Trihexyphenidyl (Trihex). "From the handling of this case, we have named the person concerned as a suspect and detained him," said Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) of the Mataram Police AKP I Gusti Ngurah Suputra in Mataram, Antara, Friday, September 6. He explained that AM was arrested last Wednesday night at around 21:45 WITA while making transactions with potential buyers in his boarding house area in the Punia area, Mataram City. During the search, the police found 8 white plastic bottles containing 1,000 white tablets each. "From the results of laboratory examinations, it is strongly suspected that the drugs we confiscated from the perpetrators were Trihex," he said. Apart from Trihex, the police also found 131 items of Tramadol and 22 Trihex items in one of the boarding rooms. The room was allegedly used by the perpetrators to store goods and places of transaction. From the results of the examination, AM admitted to getting the drug list G through an online order. "The goods are from Palembang. However, receiving the goods from the Ampenan intermediary, Mataram City," he said.
In addition, it was revealed that AM perpetrators often received goods through expedition services. Therefore, Ngurah suspects that AM has been running the business for a long time. From the criminal record in the police, AM was also revealed to have the status of a recidivist who was serving a crime in a similar case in 2018.

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