BANDA ACEH - The house of the Governor Candidate (Bac Gubernatorial) of Aceh Province, Bustami, was thrown by a bomb by an unknown person.

Information gathered in Banda Aceh, Monday, the bomb was thrown during the call to prayer at dawn.

The private house of the former Acting Governor of Aceh is in Gampong Pineung, Syiah Kuala District, Aceh City.

The explosives were thrown from the front and exploded on the left side of the house. The explosion caused the concrete wall of the house fence to blacken like a burning material.

The explosion shocked local residents. The explosion was heard up to a radius of hundreds of meters. Some residents admitted that the explosion was heard during the morning call to prayer reverberating.

"The explosion sounded quite strong and the building shook. I thought lightning," said Indra Milwady, a local resident, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, September 2.

Several officers said Bustami was not at home at the time. It is not yet known whether the bomb thrown was a grenade or other explosives.

Currently, the police have put up police lines on a number of entrances to the house. The Aceh Police Inafis and Jihandak Teams conducted a crime scene investigation.

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