JAKARTA - The government has officially prohibited the public from carrying out the Eid al-Fitr homecoming starting May 6-17, 2021 by considering the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Responding to this, member of Commission V DPR RI, Irwan, considered that there must be a clear explanation from the government regarding the ban on going home. The reason is, for some time the government has also stated that it will not prohibit homecoming this year.

"Don't let the public see it, this government has very, very problematic coordination within the government itself," said Irwan, Friday, March 26.

Irwan reminded that there should not be a double policy that would confuse the public.

"This is a double standard name. On the one hand, the Coordinating Minister for PMK said they could not go home, but in other Ministries the Ministry of Transportation said they were allowed to go home," he said.

"Do not let the people arrest the ban on going home, but on the other hand they are still given space," he added.

The legislator for the East Kalimantan electoral district urged the government to issue a final regulation regarding the 2021 ban on homecoming. Commission V of the DPR, said Irwan, would also ask for written provisions regarding the policy.

"We will ask that if indeed the final is prohibited from going home, the Ministry of Transportation for the prohibition regulations, including restrictions on public transportation nodes such as stations, terminals, ports and airports," said the Democrat politician.

He warned that there would be no easing of the rules if it had been stipulated to prohibit homecoming from the central government.

Do not let the homecoming ban, but the fact is that all sea, land and air transportation routes are still (operating) and even there is a surge in passengers, "he concluded.

It is known, the Government has declared a ban on this year's Eid homecoming. In addition, the Eid al-Fitr joint leave was also shortened to just one day.

This decision was taken in a coordination meeting between a number of ministries and agencies.

"There is still one day of leave with Eid al-Fitr, but no homecoming activities are allowed," said Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy in a virtual press conference, Friday, March 26.

That way, collective leave only applies on May 12, 2021 which falls on a Wednesday. Then, the first and second days of Eid al-Fitr fall on the 13th and 14th days of Thursday and Friday.

Meanwhile, previously, the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya, did not prohibit the public from going home in a Work Meeting (Raker) with Commission V DPR in Jakarta, March 16, 2021.

"In principle, regarding homecoming, the Ministry of Transportation does not prohibit it," said Budi.

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