Uncovering The Hambalang Case, The Democratic Elite Of The North Sumatra KLB Offends Ibas

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Honorary Board of the Democratic Party, Max Sopacua, emphasized that Hambalang will be the starting point for the new management to advance under the leadership of Moeldoko.

This was conveyed by Max Sopacua, speaking of the reasons for choosing the venue for the press conference of the KLB Sibolangit version of the Democratic Party's DPP. Moreover, according to Max Sopacua, Hambalang is no longer a stranger to the Democrats.

At that time, Hambalang was the beginning of a setback for Democrats to contest the election because of a corruption case.

"We have not forgotten the history that Hambalang was also the part that made the Democrat Party go down, its electability was destroyed. Even if some enjoy without being punished now so that some enjoy it but have gone through the legal process", said Max Sopacua in Hambalang, Thursday, March 25.

However, said Max, the Democrats in Moeldoko's hands would restore Hambalang's image and at the same time reverse the party's glory.

"The Democrats led by Moeldoko as the General Chairperson to move forward, Insyaallah in 2024, we will be victorious", said Max.

Max Sopacua then questioned the party suspected of having enjoyed the proceeds of corruption in the Hambalang project. Max firmly mentioned the name of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's youngest son, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono aka Ibas.

"How much did you get, how much did you get, the media did not mention. Anas is still carrying out the legal process, what we are questioning is another, which is not touched by the law", said Max.

The Hambalang project was built in 2010 during the SBY administration. In less than a year, the KPK suspected corrupt practices of the mega project with a budget of up to IDR 2.5 trillion.

"Mega corruption has already been imprisoned, there are Nazaruddin, Angelina Sondakh who have all served their sentences. What we are questioning is, why aren't some of them? Yes, Mas Ibas also mentioned how many witnesses? "Know anyone that's why we returned to Hambalang. We returned to Hambalang, not for corruption but to come forward to defend the country", said Max.

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