The National Police sent four generals in the process of selecting candidates for leadership (capim) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the period 2024-2029. All of them were declared to have passed the written test.

The graduates of the four National Police generals were based on the announcement letter number 47/PANSEL-KPK/08/202 issued by the Selection Committee or Pansel Capim and the KPK Council.

The four police generals who graduated included Komjen Setyo Budiyanto who is currently serving in the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan); Komjen RZ Panca Putra who is currently the Main Secretary of the National Resilience Institution (Sestama Lemhannas).

Then, Inspector General Djoko Poerwanto, who now serves as the Central Kalimantan Police Chief; and Inspector General Didik Agung Widjanarko who currently serves as Deputy for Coordination and Supervision of the KPK.

Chairman of the Selection Committee for Leadership Candidates and Supervisory Board of the KPK Muhammad Yusuf Ateh conveyed that the registrants who passed the written test will undergo the next stage of selection, namely the profile assessment.

The next stage of selection will be held on August 28-29.

"Participants who are declared to have passed are required to take part in the next stage of the selection," said Ateh.

Meanwhile, the written test for the leadership of the KPK was attended by 230 participants. Of these, 40 of them passed.

Sementara untuk calon Dewan Pengawas KPK jumlah yang lolos dalam tahapan seleksi tertulis juga 40 dari 142 orang. Masyarakat bisa memantau nama-nama yang lolos dan memberikan tanggapan melalui situs

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