JAKARTA - The Mayor of Medan, Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution, has asked the heads of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) and 21 sub-districts in the Medan City Government to realize the five priority programs.

"If there are problems, immediately report to me to find a solution together, especially regarding the five priority programs that I have set", he said after signing the performance agreement for OPD heads and sub-district heads at the Medan Mayor's Office, Tuesday.

The mayor hopes that the signing of the performance agreement can bring prosperity to the people of Medan City in particular, and OPD and sub-districts must be serious in making it happen.

As is known, the five priority programs of the Medan City Government at this time are health, cleanliness, infrastructure, floods, and the Kesawan area which is a heritage, including the existence of MSMEs for the realization of The Kitchen of Asia.

Medan City Government", he said.

His party also instructed all OPD heads and sub-district heads to have a work plan, have the courage to carry out the execution, and be ready to be evaluated.

"Make a good plan at work. Planning must begin with good and correct data collection, after that we must have the courage to execute and evaluate. This is the goal so that we can increase PAD for the welfare of the community", said President Joko Widodo's son-in-law.

Head of Development Planning Agency at Sub-National Level Medan City, Irwan Ritonga, previously explained that the performance agreement was intended to create effective, transparent, and accountable local government administration.

"This performance agreement will later be submitted to the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform, and will be used as monitoring and evaluation periodically", he said.

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