MEDAN - The wife of Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, Kahiyang Ayu, reminded the Family Welfare Empowerment Team (TP PKK) to support the MSMEs program. One urban village, one business center.

"I ask all PKK members and cadres of Medan City to support, and participate in realizing the Medan City Government program at MSMEs, which is one sub-district and one business center", said the Head of the Medan City PKK TP, Kahiyang Ayu after reviewing the rattan handicraft business and making crackers in Medan quoted Antara, Tuesday, March 23.

Kahiyang Ayu reminded the efforts to develop and promote MSMEs products should be optimized. That way, the people's economy can also increase.

The daughter of President Joko Widodo hopes that the sub-district and sub-district parties can work together with the PKK TP to develop MSMEs.

With good collaboration, continued Kahiyang, the one sub-district program one business center will run well.

"MSMEs products in urban villages can also be displayed at PKK Medan City office outlets. This is to further introduce MSMEs products from all urban villages in Medan to the community", said Kahiyang Ayu.

Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman had indeed promised to build the Medan Sakasanwira program, aka One Urban Village, One Entrepreneurship Center. This idea was carried out by setting up management, management, and marketing center in each sub-district.

There are also incentives for MSMEs, the creative economy, and the creative community. Bobby Nasution also wants to present as a forum for the development and marketing of MSMEs.

"We are collaborating to build Medan City by increasing the local potential of the community. To create jobs, a healthy entrepreneurial climate, to improve the quality of human resources", said Bobby in October 2020 during the regional election.

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