MEDAN - Heavy rains that occurred in Medan City caused flooding in several areas. One of them is in Medan Tuntung District, on Jalan Jahe in front of the Ginger Tax Perumnas Simalingkar.

The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Afif Nasution immediately observed the residents who were affected by the flood. There are even some houses that were flooded by about 40 cm.

President Jokowi's son-in-law came with his wife Kahiyang Ayu. Bobby-Kahiyang checks the location (blusukan) of the flood.

Bobby Nasution also had a dialogue with the residents. The information obtained shows that in that area, many ditches are permanently closed by residents.

The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Afif Nasution, immediately observed the residents affected by the flood. (IST)

As a result, the trench sedimentation accumulated and was no longer able to accommodate water discharge. Related to that, Bobby Nasution asked the residents to be willing to dismantle the cover of the trench.

Bobby ordered the Head of Medan Tuntung, Typhoon Ginting to coordinate with the Public Works Agency to dismantle the trenches and clean up the sedimentation.

Before reviewing the floods in the Medan Tuntung District area, Bobby Nasution also saw floods in the Simpang Pos area, Medan Johor District.

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