LONDON - Online taxi service company Uber lost its operating license in London on Monday, November 25. This happened after the authorities discovered a failure in the safety and security aspects of the service.

As reported by Antara, the revocation of the operating license was the second time that Uber had experienced in the last two years.

According to the London Transport Agency (TfL), changes to Uber's system have allowed unauthorized drivers to upload their photos to accounts belonging to other drivers. So that they can pick up passengers with the identity of another driver who does not belong to him

The system failure, which poses a risk to the safety and security of passengers, occurred on at least 14,000 Uber trips.

"Although several problems are handled, TfL is not sure that in the future similar problems will not be repeated, so it can be concluded that currently, the Uber company does not meet the fit and proper standards," said TFL in a statement.

Meanwhile, Uber immediately filed an appeal, which would take months, including the trial process.

While in the process, approximately 45,000 Uber drivers in London are still able to operate even though their operational permits expire today.

Uber, which is considered to be disrupting the conventional taxi business in London and other cities in the world, said that the license decision was extraordinary and wrong.

"Over the past two months, we've been conducting audits on every driver in London as well as further strengthening our process," said Uber's North Eastern Europe chief, Jamie Heywood.

"We are improving the system and on-site checks to confirm the identities of the drivers and will soon implement a new face matching process," he added.

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