The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating allegations of applying for a mining business permit (WIUP) area in North Maluku. Two businessmen are being worked on by investigators to investigate allegations of corruption and money laundering (TPPU) of the Governor of North Maluku (Malut) Abdul Gani Kasuba.

"Investigation by investigators regarding the application for WIUP mining in North Maluku," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardika to reporters, Thursday, July 25.

The two witnesses examined were the Director of PT Molagana Persada Tambang, Joko Surono and the President Director of PT Pelita Jaya Sejahtera Sakti, Agung Suryamal. Tessa said that both investigators at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta.

"One witness was not present, namely the Director of PT Indoemas Maltara Perkasa, GR," he explained.

Previously reported, the KPK named the inactive North Maluku Governor Abdul Gani Kasuba as a suspect in the alleged crime of money laundering (TPPU). From several pieces of evidence obtained, he is suspected of laundering up to Rp100 billion.

Penetapan tersangka ini dilakukan sebagai pengembangan dugaan suap proyek pengadaan barang dan jasa serta pemberian izin di lingkungan Pemprov Maluku Utara. Ia ditahan bersama lima tersangka lainnya sejak 20 Desember setelah terjaring operasi tangkap tangan (OTT).Lima tersangka itu adalah Kadis Perumahan dan Pemukiman Pemprov Maluku Utara Adnan Hasanudin; Kadis PUPR Pemprov Maluku Daud Ismail; Kepala BPPBJ Pemprov Maluku Utara Ridwan Arsan; Ramadhan Ibrahim yang merupakan ajudan Abdul Gani serta pihak swasta, yakni Stevi Thomas dan Kristian Wuisan.

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