JAKARTA - Waste emergencies have occurred in various countries in the world, including Indonesia, which does not yet have a good waste management system. Almost every year in the world, as much as 8 tons of plastic waste are dumped into the oceans. Of this total, only 9 percent of the waste is made recycled material.
Garbage dumped into streams or rivers can cause silting and blockage. Disposal of garbage into the sea also causes damage to natural ecosystems. It is on this basis that the zero waste lifestyle has been popularized by environmental activists.
If quoted from Netray, there were at least 264 tweets on Twitter with positive sentiment that talked about the environment and zero waste from February 1 to February 26. Zero waste is a waste-free lifestyle or all products can be used again so that no product is wasted or produces waste. One of his campaigns is to replace single-use plastic bags with cloth shopping bags.

The discussion about zero waste peaked on February 21 to February 22, which coincided with the commemoration of National Waste Care Day. From this positive sentiment, it can be assessed that the public has begun to realize the importance of protecting the environment by limiting the use of single-use plastics and adopting a zero waste lifestyle.

Netray also noted that there are several words that are popular and related to environmental issues, namely waste, going green, and zero waste. These three vocabularies are also related to the environmental service in DKI Jakarta which has orange troops to maintain cleanliness.
Starting a zero waste lifestyle, of course, must start from yourself. You do this by replacing the use of single-use plastics with environmentally friendly materials. Even the method of application, there are five or usually called 5R. First, refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and rot.
If this method is implemented, a zero-waste lifestyle can be done and this is the same as using natural resources wisely.
Apart from the 5R, there are several other steps that can be taken. The first is to take advantage of unused items, sort organic and inorganic waste, buy food in moderation, and think before buying goods.
Modern and urban human behavior often leaves bad problems for the environment. So, it is right if we take care of the earth. Moreover, young people must be enthusiastic and aware of their obligation to care for the environment.
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