JAKARTA - The Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) has confirmed that it will not carry Anies Baswedan in the 2024 Pilkada even though the electability of the former Governor of DKI Jakarta is currently the highest in the survey of candidates for the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

William reviewed that during his leadership of Jakarta, it was considered that Anies often changed the naming or rebranding of existing programs, then used as campaign material.

"Leaders who do not respect the legacy of the previous leader do not reflect the nature of statesmanship and do not deserve to be elected," said Chairman of the PSI faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD William Aditya Sarana in his statement, Friday, July 19.

William assessed that Anies seemed to be trying to erase the traces of Joko Widodo's policy legacy as Governor of Jakarta in the past by rebranding, such as KJP becoming KJP Plus.

"I even saw that Anies was also trying to erase the legacy of his own friend, Sandiaga Uno. For example, OK-OCE became Jakpreneur, OK-Otrip became Jaklingko," said William.

In addition, there are several programs of the DKI Provincial Government that Anies has not continued, such as the construction of the Jakarta LRT, the Ciliwung drain, to the construction of the RPTRA.

"Good programs and helping to solve the problems in the city of Jakarta have not been continued, and the program that has been continued has been even damaged by haphazard management. Anies is more focused on rebranding and claims than making sure these programs run effectively," said William.

Therefore, William claims PSI will look for a candidate for governor who can have the integrity, courage, and ability to improve Jakarta's condition and ensure good programs for residents can run effectively and on target.

"We will continue to oversee and ensure that the candidates being promoted will really be able to provide a real solution for better Jakarta," he said.

It is known that Litbang Kompas released the results of an electability survey of a number of figures ahead of the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. As a result, the electability of former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was in the top position with a potential for election of up to 29.8 percent.

Anies is narrowly ahead of the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) with 20.0 percent. Followed by former West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil who was still at 8.5 percent.

While other figures are still below 3.0 percent as candidates who deserve to be the cagub in the Jakarta Pilkada. They are SOE Minister Erick Thohir with 2.3 percent, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani 1.3 percent, former TNI Commander Andika Perkasa 1.0 percent, PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep 1.0 percent, DKI Governor Heru Budi Hartono 1.0 percent, Social Minister Tri Rismaharini 1.0 percent, and other figures who reached 4.3 percent.

Meanwhile, 30 percent of respondents have not answered or do not know who they think is worthy of being the cagub in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

"This means that in the midst of the absence of political parties, they officially provide support and propose candidate pairs in the Jakarta Pilkada, opportunities are still open to anyone becoming a candidate for governor in Jakarta," wrote Litbang Kompas researcher Yohan Wahyu in a survey statement released Tuesday, July 16.

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