JAKARTA - The youngest son of President Joko Widodo, Kaesang Pangarep, officially becomes the owner of Persis Solo with the Minister of BUMN, Erick Tohir and young entrepreneur Kevin Nugroho.

Mayor of Solo Gibran Rakabuming Raka hopes that Persis Solo can be managed professionally and move up to League 1 in the future.

"In accordance with my commitment and promise, I will not leave Exactly in a situation like yesterday. I want Exactly to be managed by professional people, who have worked with the soccer team. We really want our team to be proud of achieving achievements," he said. Gibran in a virtually broadcast press release, Saturday, March 20.

Gibran hopes that Erick Tohir's experience, who has previously held a sports club, can bring Persis up to League 1. The most important thing is that club management can run professionally and transparently.

"We really want our team to be proud of our achievements. That's why I will disturb people (Persis Owner) more often, I ojo-ojoin so that Persis Solo can go up to league 1, yes maybe Mr. Erick Thohir (I disturb, red). , "explained Gibran.

Gibran confirmed that Persis will be at the Solo Manahan Stadium together with Bhayangkara Solo.

"It's impossible to go directly to League 1, there must be a process, there must be ups and downs. From there, the role of Pasopati's and Surakartan's friends will continue to guard Persis so that later he can go up to League 1," he said.

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