Rizieq Shihab Is Silent Then Disappears From The Screen, The Judge Firmly Reads The Article Of The Criminal Procedure Code
RIzieq Shihab Session on the case of fake news swab test

JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab is undergoing the third trial in the indictment of the fake news swab test at UMMI Hospital in Bogor. Rizieq Shihab remained silent in the courtroom.

Rizieq Shihab came to the Bareskrim Polri in a standing position. The panel of judges asked Rizieq Shihab to sit down, but Rizieq was silent.

"The defendant heard my voice and was invited to sit by the panel of judges," said judge Khadwanto in the trial of the swab test case at the UMMI Hospital in Bogor during the trial at East Jakarta District Court, Friday, March 19.

After that Rizieq Shihab disappeared from the screen. The public prosecutor confirmed that Rizieq remained in the room. The spotlight shows Rizieq Shihab sitting alone.

"The defendant was not willing to answer the panel of judges' questions?" asked the judge.

"Defendant brother, the panel of judges reminded you, based on the provisions of Article 154 paragraph 4, I read the full sound. The presence of the defendant in the courtroom is an obligation of the defendant, not a right. So the defendant must be present at the court hearing, ”said Judge Khadwanto.

"Once again the panel of judges asked you if you were willing to answer the panel of judges' questions," said the judge.

Rizieq Shihab

Rizieq Shihab remains silent. Rizieq looks still sitting alone.

"Brother, please answer the questions from the panel of judges. Once again, the panel of judges reminded you that your obligation to be in the courtroom is an obligation, also ethically you must obey the orders of the panel of judges in the courtroom, ”said the judge.

Rizieq Shihab did not flinch. Remain silent.

The judge decided to order the public prosecutor to read the indictment.

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