JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued an emergency fatwa regarding the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the national vaccination program. MUI allows the British vaccine to be used even though the legal provisions are haram.

"The legal provisions are that the vaccine for AstraZeneca products is haram, because the production stages use trypsin from pigs. However, there is an urgent need to occupy the position of emergency syar'i," said MUI chairman Asrorun Niam Sholeh in an online press conference, Friday. March 19.

Asrorun Niam revealed that there were several recommendations that MUI decided on. One of them is that the government must prioritize the use of the halal COVID-19 vaccine as much as possible, especially for Muslims.

"In particular, MUI appreciates the government's commitment to ensure the availability of safe and halal vaccines for the purposes of accelerating the handling of COVID-19," he said.

Third, he continued, the government must also ensure that other types of COVID-19 vaccines will be used to be certified halal in the first opportunity.

"In order to realize the government's commitment to safe and halal vaccination," he said.

Fourth, the government must also guarantee and ensure the safety of the vaccines used.

Fifth, the Government may not vaccinate with vaccines based on the consideration of a competent and trusted expert which has harmful effects.

"Sixth, MUI urges all parties to get closer to Allah SWT by praying, meritorious especially in welcoming the holy month of Ramadan," said Asrorun Niam.

Finally, during today's pandemic emergency, MUI urges all Indonesian Muslims not to hesitate in participating in the COVID-19 vaccination program so that Indonesia will quickly get out of the pandemic.

"It is time for us to join hands to support the acceleration of the COVID-19 vaccination program to achieve herd immunity with our optimal participation, in order to break the chain of transmission of COVIFD-19. It's time for us to unite to avoid unproductive polemics," he said closing the press conference.

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