JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) asked the Judicial Commission (KY) to monitor the proceedings of the inactive Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh which was again held at the Corruption Court. The judge's behavior needs to be closely monitored after imposing an interlocutory decision which was canceled by the Jakarta High Court (PT).

"ICW hopes that KY will deploy a team that is regularly present to monitor the trial process so that all actions of the judges can be closely monitored," ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana told reporters in a written statement, Thursday, July 11.

KY is deemed necessary to intervene because the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) still maintains the composition of the panel of judges in the case of gratification and money laundering (TPPU). "We are worried that the view of the panel of judges will be able to assess the legal process carried out by the KPK in court," said Kurnia.

Kurnia also said that the interim decision that was knocked and freed Gazalba was full of controversy before it was finally canceled.

"How come, in the formal aspect alone, the panel of judges' views were wrong when issuing an interim decision in which the KPK was deemed not authorized on the grounds that there was no prosecution delegation from the Attorney General's Office," he said.

Furthermore, Kurnia also asked for a complaint against the Jakarta Corruption Court Panel of Judges who tried Gazalba to be resolved immediately. Moreover, the complainant is the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"We also ask KY and the Supreme Court Supervisory Agency to immediately complete the process of handling alleged violations of the code of ethics of the panel of judges previously reported by the KPK," he said.

Previously reported, Gazalba Saleh was previously released because his exception was accepted by the Panel of Judges at the Corruption Court in Central Jakarta. The KPK then filed an appeal at PT Jakarta which was later granted so that the trial of the gratification and money laundering case that ensnared the Supreme Court judge was continued.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the KPK, Nawawi Pomolango, said that the interim decision that freed Gazalba was odd. He said, there is an unpleasant odor that can be smelled by all parties, not just his institution.

"When it comes to new smells, everyone can kiss him. Moreover, the Corruption Eradication Commission, whose work does smell," Nawawi told reporters at a press conference at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, June 25.

Nawawi did not specify the smell of anyir he meant. He only ensured that the Jakarta Corruption Court Panel of Judges handling the Gazalba Saleh case had been reported to the Judicial Commission (KY) and the Supreme Court (MA) Supervisory Body (Bawas).

Moreover, there were allegations of ethical violations committed by the judge during the trial. Among them are that they seem to direct the prosecutor to follow the interim decision without explaining further legal steps that can be taken.

Even so, Nawawi submitted the final assessment to KY and the MA Bawas. He did not want to precede the decisions of the two institutions.

"We leave it entirely to the Judicial Commission and the Supervisory Body to conduct an assessment," he said.

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