ACEH - The investigating prosecutor for the Special Crimes Section of the Bireuen District Attorney's Office (Kejari), Aceh Province, has named MY as a suspect in the alleged corruption of funds for the national community empowerment program (PNPM) with state losses reaching Rp1.16 billion. Kepala Kejari Bireuen Munawal Hadi mengatakan, tersangka MY selaku Ketua Badan Kerja Sama Inter Desa (BKAD) pada PNPM Mandiri Pedesuraan Gandapura periode 2019-2023. "MY is a member of the Bireuen DPRK. Determination of My as a suspect after the investigative team collected evidence related to the alleged criminal act of corruption in the savings and loan funds of the female group PNPM Mandiri Pedesuraan Gandapura, Bireuen Regency," he said in Bireuen, Antara, Monday, July 8. Based on the results of the investigation, he said, the suspect MY agreed, allocated, and disbursed savings funds for the borrower group of women which in its implementation did not comply with the applicable rules and regulations. "The female borrower criteria are not in accordance with the operational technical instructions issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, including borrowers with civil servants," said Munawal Hadi. In addition, he said, MY as the Chairman of the BKAD provided savings and loan funds for individual borrowers, and the loans were also given to relatives and borrowers as village officials. "The loan to individuals, relatives, village officials violates the rules. Savings and loan funds can only be given to women groups," he said. Based on the results of the audit of the Aceh Provincial Inspectorate and corroborated by the decision of the Corruption Court at the Banda Aceh District Court, the state losses incurred more than Rp1.16 billion. MY suspect is charged with Article 2 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 Paragraph (1) letters a, b Paragraph (2) and Paragraph (3) of Law Number 31 of 1999 which was amended into Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
"Investigators continue to complete the case files to be handed over to the public prosecutor. As well as transferred to the court for trial," said Munawal Hadi.

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