Member of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives Guspardi Gaus appealed to the case of the removal of Hasyim Asy’ari from the position of Chairman of the KPU who was proven to have violated the code of ethics because immoral acts had to be evaluated in the selection and selection of KPU commissioners. In the future, the selection of candidates for KPU members must be tightened. Guspardi assessed that the incident should be an introspection material for all parties, both the DPR and the Government. He asked the process of selecting candidates for commissioners of the KPU to really pay attention to every aspect of the track record, especially from the selection period carried out by the selection committee (pansel) formed by the Government. “ During the selection of KPU commissioners, the candidate was chosen by the Pansel team created by the Government. Then it was handed over to the DPR to be selected through a fit and proper test. Now, this is the first time immoral cases have occurred. This is a lesson for us together,” Guspardi told reporters, Monday, July 8. “That in the selection of candidates, it is not enough just to pay attention to the ability in the law, capabilities related to electoralism and so on, but it is also necessary to trace the track record of the person concerned, including from the ethical side. So it needs to be more in-depth investigation,” he continued. As is known, the KPU commissioner screening process is through the Pansel team formed by the Government where the Pansel will deposit the names of the candidates, which amount to twice the number of commissioners. The names were then submitted to the DPR to be selected by 7 people through the fit and proper test process (feasibility and ability test). “ It can be blackmailed in the Pansel immediately. If it concedes too, in Commission II the DPR must also pay more attention to the ethical affairs of the candidate, ” said Guspardi. On the other hand, Guspardi asked the KPU to strengthen the internal mechanism so that cases of ethical violations or legal cases no longer occur. "We encourage the KPU to strengthen internal mechanisms to prevent violations of the code of ethics in the future. This is important to ensure that this institution remains credible and trustworthy by the public," he said. Guspardi ensured that the Indonesian House of Representatives would increase supervision and evaluation of the KPU's performance. "This is to ensure that elections can be held with high integrity," he said. On the other hand, the legislator from the West Sumatra II electoral district also appreciated the decision of the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) which gave strict sanctions to dismiss the chairman of the Indonesian KPU who violated ethics. According to Guspardi, DKPP has carried out its check and balance function well.
"DKPP has decided that this has carried out an in-depth and comprehensive study, because Mr. Hasyim has reported a lot to the DKPP and DKPP in his decision several times that the decision is a final warning. The last warning should have been one time,” said Guspardi. "We hope that in the future the KPU can function properly and in accordance with democratic principles," he concluded.

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