JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) denied the statement by KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata about the difficulty of coordination and supervision caused by the sectoral ego of law enforcement officers.

The Head of the Attorney General's Office, Harli Simanjuntak, stated that Alex Marwata should first look at the facts before stating the matter.

"It is better before submitting the statement, the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK first looks at the facts on the ground so that the statement given will be more valid," said Harli in his statement, Tuesday, June 2.

According to him, the relationship between the Prosecutor's Office and the KPK has been going well so far. In fact, if you look further, anti-corruption agencies have greater authority in prosecuting corruption so that it is impossible, the AGO in particular, to close the door of coordination and supervision.

"The Prosecutor's Office continues to support the KPK in carrying out its function duties by supporting reliable and capable prosecutors to be seconded to the KPK," he said.

The Prosecutor's Office is also said to be very open and facilitative to the KPK in carrying out coordination and supervision functions, especially in the regions.

One example of the Prosecutor's Office always supports the KPK according to its function, namely when the prosecutor at the anti-corruption agency is on duty, it is always supported regarding detention vehicles for trial needs.

However, if the KPK mentions that the Prosecutor's Office has closed the door to coordination, said Harli, it should be revealed in detail the connection.

"Regarding what events, in which areas, and regarding what issues are clear and accountable," said Harli.

Alexander Marwata said the sectoral ego of law enforcement officers was still happening. As a result, coordination and supervision are difficult to implement.

This was conveyed by Alexander during a working meeting between the KPK and Commission III of the DPR in Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, July 1. Initially, he mentioned the function of coordination and supervision between law enforcement officers in handling corruption cases.

"Indeed, in the old and new KPK Law, there is a coordination and supervision function. Is it going well? I have to say that it didn't go well," Alexander said as quoted from YouTube DPR RI.

"The sectoral ego is still there, it's still there. If we arrest the prosecutor or handle the prosecutor, for example, suddenly from the prosecutor's office closing the door of coordination and supervision. It's difficult. Also with the police like that," he continued.

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