MEDAN - Videos of a goat with one eye have been widely shared on social media. This goat kid was born in Nagari Purwosari Village, Simalungun, North Sumatra.

In the video, the goat's eyes appear so large that it exceeds its mouth. These goats are separated from other goats. The kid of the goat looks healthy.

"This afternoon I accidentally went to my parents' village in the city for a pilgrimage, so there was a relative who told me about the goat, so see it immediately," said Rum Ahmad Yusuf (36) who recorded the one-eyed goat when confirmed, Wednesday, March 17 .

Rum admitted that he was surprised to see the goat. According to him, the goat belonged to a resident named Sukiman.

"Pak Sukiman said the baby goat was born last (Tuesday) night, around 23.00 WIB," he said.

From observations in the goat pen, said Rum, the goat's condition was healthy. However, the kid of the goat cannot walk perfectly yet.

"But different from other goats, baby goats still drink milk from a bottle, because their mother cannot breastfeed," said Rum.

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