Merdeka Farmers held Congress I at the Setos Hotel Semarang. The congress was held to find a format and formulation of the agricultural policy system so that farmers would be prosperous.

Chairman of the DPP Tani Merdeka, Don Muzakir, said that food security is one of the government's intensive programs. He assessed that the program must be balanced with guarantees of the welfare of farmers. The congress was held on Saturday, June 29 - Sunday, June 30.

"So we want to bridge the government so that all programs that are pro-farmers are really felt by farmers. To the village level," he said on the sidelines of the Merdeka Farmers Congress.

Don Muzakir explained, in Central Java there are 7,200 Merdeka Tani Command Posts spread across 8,500 villages and 29 regencies. These posts will become forums for various programs, and solve farmer problems. Later farmers can ask about the Prabowo-Gibran program at the post.

"Including the problem of rare fertilizers. We want the Prabowo-Gibran government program to have direct correlations to areas, especially Central Java," he added.

Merdeka Farmers consist of farmers, laborers, fishermen, and breeders. The problem faced at the grassroots is that farmers have difficulty getting subsidized fertilizer.

Merdeka Farmers are a volunteer organization that accommodates farmers. Formed at the suggestion of the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP Prabowo Subianto who has great attention to farmers, especially those who have difficulty getting fertilizer.

"If we want to realize food security, yes, farmers' welfare and future are considered," he added.

The head of the Merdeka Farmers Development, Sudaryono, said that the problems faced by farmers were quite complex. For this reason, concrete solutions must be found to solve it. His party is one of the parties who is keen to remove farm cards because they are considered ineffective. Farm Cards have been deleted. That way, farmers are easier to get subsidized fertilizers," he said.

Sudaryono, who is also a candidate for Governor of Central Java, is another problem for farmers every harvest season, prices go down. So that in this case the farmers who are harmed. He will continue to fight for how the price at harvest can be stable so that farmers can make a profit.

"I've been around throughout Central Java, one of the problems is that there is a tengkulak. So we want to provide solutions and fight for what when the price harvest is stable. Farmers must be protected and prosperous, but selling prices should not harm consumers either. So everyone will benefit, "he added.

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