JAKARTA - The wife of former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo, Iis Rosita Dewi, said she received IDR 50 million every month. The money is the breadth of her husband.

This confession was conveyed by Iis Rosita Dewi when testifying in the trial of the alleged bribery of the lobster seed export permit with the accused Director of PT Dua Putera Perkasa Pratama (DPPP) Suharjito.

Initially, the public prosecutor (JPU) questioned the things that Edhy Prabowo had given to witnesses with capacities as husbands.

"What are the months (given)?" asked the prosecutor during a trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 17.

"I was given a certain amount of money every month for household needs from Mr. Edhy," replied Iis.

The prosecutor immediately asked the amount of money given. It's just that, Iis had refused to tell him.

In fact, lis had asked the panel of judges for their views before answering. Until finally, the presiding judge Albertus Usada asked Iis to continue to answer the prosecutor's questions for the sake of law.

"Your Majesty, what (must answer)?" asked Iis.

"Good, therefore the question of the public prosecutor is still relevant to be answered about the number of nomials. This is the husband's obligation to support him, it is revealed here, pro justitia," said Albertus.

Iis then answered that her husband, Edhy Prabowo, always gave money every month of Rp. 50 million. The giving was made by transfer and cash.

"As long as I married Pak Edhy, there were transfers and some were in cash," he said.

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