YOGYAKARTA - Mohamad Sohibul Iman has been nominated by the Prosperous Justice Party to accompany Anies Baswedan in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada. So what is Sohibul Iman's profile like?

This was revealed by Syaikhu as the President of PKS in a briefing event for candidates for members of the DPR RI and the DPRD elected in the 2024 Legislative Election.

"The PKS DPP at a meeting on Thursday, June 20, 2024 has decided to carry Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan as a candidate for governor and Mr. Sohibul of faith as a candidate for deputy governor," said Syaikhu, Tuesday, June 25.

Reporting from the official website of the PKS party, since 2009 it has been a member of the PKS faction of the DPR RI from the electoral district of DKI 2 (Jakpus, South Jakarta, LN). When he first became a legislator, he was trusted as Deputy Chairman of Commission XI. A year after that, until now he has been entrusted to become Deputy Chair of the PKS faction in the field of Equitech (Economics, Finance, Industry, and Technology) and is a member of the DPR RI BAKN (State Financial Accountability Agency).

Sohibul Iman has so far been active in 3 commissions, namely Commission XI, VII, and VI. Of course, for 3 years he has also served in several Panja and Special Committees, both adrift of legislation and supervision. Not only that in the MPR RI, it is also mandated as a member of the National 4 Pillars Socialization Team (35 people) and the State System Study Team (45 people).

Before becoming a legislator, he had experience in various professions specializing in the field of Technology and Industry Policy (macro aspect) as well as Innovation and Knowledge Management (micro aspect). Long working at government technology institutions, universities, as well as consulting companies. Throughout his duties as a civil servant in Bakosurtanal (National Survey and Mapping Coordination Agency) as well as BPPT (Technological Assessment and Application Agency) many research projects are mainly linked to technology and industrial policies, as well as participating in reform, restructuring programs, as well as revitalization of these institutions.

In the academic world, apart from being experienced as a lecturer in some universities, he also worked as Chancellor of Paramadina University, Jakarta. Also as a patent consultant at Amroos Law Consultant, he has handled many drafting, tracing, and patent applications from various internal and foreign companies.

Organizational activities have been carried out since elementary, junior high, and high school (Pramuka and OSIS), after which they are continued in universities, both inside and outside campus. Even though they have studied at IPB up to level 2 but all higher education (S1-S3) has been completed in Japan. All organizational activities that have been carried out to date are always based on a strong motive for contributing to residents with the framework of Religion (Islamic) combined with the context of contemporaryism (Ministry) and Maritime Affairs (Indonesia).

It is noted that some organizations have been in charge and/or managed, such as the ISTECS (Institute for Science and Technology Studies), the YPNF (Nurul Fikri Education Foundation), Nurul Fikri Strategic HR Development Program, HSF ( Scientific Hocury Forum), MITI (Indonesian Scientist and Teknologist Society), YIT (Technological Innovation Foundation), and others. Not only that also participates in professional organizations, such as the ISSS (International Society for System Sciences), JSSPRM (Japan Society for Science Policy and Research Management), IEEE (Institute of Electric and Electronics Engineers), and others.

At the time of reform, 1998 joined the PK (Partai Keadilan) and was entrusted as the Head of the Department of IPTEK-LH DPP PK. Next from 2005 to 2010 it was mandated as the Head of the PKS DPP for Ecointek (Economics, Finance, Industry, and Technology). The trust given by the public in the 2009 legislative election was elected as a member of the DPR RI from the DKI 2 Electoral Area.

Education Background

2004 : Ph.D. from Graduate School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)

1994 : Master of Engineering from Takushoku University, Tokyo

1992 : Bachelor of Engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo

1987 1988 : Japanese Language Course At Center for Foreign Language Studies, Takushoku University, Tokyo

Work Experience

2009 Now : Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives

2007 2009 : PT. EdWar Technology, Consultant

2005 2007 : Paramadina University, Chancellor

1998 2005 : Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Researcher

1996 1998: Amroos Law Consultant, Consultant

1994 1996 : National Survey and Mapping Coordinating Board (Bakosurtanal), Researcher

1992 1994 : Japanese Radio NHK, Broadcasting

Also read: 'PKS Announces Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman Duet In The DKI Gubernatorial Election'.

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