PekanBARU - Head of the Pekanbaru City Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Zulfahmi Adrian, fired two casual daily workers (THL) because they had been proven to have committed illegal levies or levies (extortion) to a resident named Mardiana.

Not only two Satpol PP officers, a civil servant was also involved in the case. They asked for IDR 1.5 million per plot of the house built by Mardiana. However, after the owner could not accept the request, they finally collected IDR 900,000.

The two members of the Pekanbaru Satpol PP who were fired were Agus Asriadi and M Hafiz, THL who have been working since January 2024. Meanwhile, an individual civil servant (PNS) named M Razik K is currently waiting for the decision of the Pekanbaru BKSDM ethics trial. It is known that M Razik also rarely comes to the office to serve.

Zulfahmi Adrian said that his party had held an extraordinary rally regarding the dismissal of the two members of the Satpol PP.

"We as Kasatpol PP Pekanbaru City have dismissed two members of the Pekanbaru City Satpol PP on behalf of Agus Asriadi and M Hafiz. For civil servants in accordance with the provisions and regulations, we provide a report to the leadership of the Pekanbaru mayor through BKSDM to follow up on this issue," he said in Pekanbaru, Tuesday, June 25.

Zulfahmi explained that his party would provide recommendations according to the findings and evidence obtained from the investigation a few days ago.

"(Recommendations, ed) can provide moderate discipline, it will depend on the assessment of the person concerned. We hope that the initial stage of the person concerned can be transferred to the Pekanbaru City BKSDA for further guidance," he said.

The goal, continued Zulfahmi, is so that the person concerned cannot act on behalf of the Pekanbaru City Satpol PP in carrying out activities or activities outside the duties provided by the agency. Currently, M Razik is still serving in the Pekanbaru City Satpol PP. However, he has never been present and has participated in agency activities for a long time.

"The person concerned rarely enters, the three people also never participate in activities at the Pekanbaru City Satpol PP. In fact, we have often given warnings regarding the violations they committed. However, after being given the opportunity, the reality was not implemented and was proven to have committed violations again. So today we impose a disciplinary punishment in the form of dismissal of the work contract concerned," he concluded.

As previously reported, three members (Satpol PP) of Pekanbaru City made illegal levies (extortion) at the house of a resident of Jalan Cipta Karya, Sialang Minggu Village, Binawidya District, Pekanbaru City.

Separately, Mardiana revealed that she was visited by the three members of the Pekanbaru City Satpol PP on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. They reasoned that they asked for money for a permit to build a rented house.

"The Satpol PP came and asked if there was a house construction permit. If you don't have it, you want it taken care of in the office or in the field," said Mardiana.

Mardiana revealed that the three individuals offered to manage permits by paying Rp 1.5 million for one plot of the house.

"We made three plots so (IDR 4.5 million, ed). It couldn't be less, I asked for IDR 300,000. In the end, they wanted it, so I gave it all IDR 900,000," he concluded.

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