JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) plans to propose a candidate for deputy governor (cawagub) if later officially carries Anies Baswedan in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. The reason is, as the political party that wins the election in Jakarta, PKS has the right to propose a candidate in the upcoming governor election. "If later the DPP decides, for example, Mr. Anies as the cagub of PKS, and for example he is also nominated by another party, so that he is then named cross-party, then of course it is natural that PKS submits a cawagub from PKS," said Deputy Chairman of the PKS Shura Council, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) in South Jakarta, June 18. Moreover, continued HNW, in the 2017 Pilkada when carrying Anies with Gerindra, his cawagub was not from PKS. Instead, Gerindra instead proposed Sandiaga Uno. "The previous period, PKS has supported Pak Anies cagub, the cawagub is not from PKS. It doesn't exist anymore?," he asked HNW.

HNW said PKS has many cadres who deserve to be cawagub and cagub. The best cadres from PKS, he said, would be proposed to the coalition political parties as Anies' companion.

"But if for example the coalition of parties wants Anies to be nominated, and the DPP agrees, of course PKS will propose a cawagub from PKS," explained HNW.

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