MOSCOW - European Council President Charles Michel said double standards were unacceptable in connection with conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East, and other parts of the world.

"International law must always be protected and anywhere, unambiguous in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and anywhere in the world. This is our global responsibility," Michel said, Saturday (15/6).

"There is no room for double standards," he said at a summit hosted by Switzerland.

Regarding the Ukraine-Russia conflict, Michel said that it was Ukraine that decided when to start a dialogue with Russia.

Meanwhile, Timor-Leste Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao said at the summit that international law is currently often applied selectively when several countries oppose occupation in one country, but not in other countries.

President Xanana also called on all parties to treat all conflicts in any part of the world equally.

"Currently, around 65 wars are still happening throughout the world. Even though the war seems far from our country, we must not forget it," he told Sputnik.

Switzerland hosted a high-level conference on Ukraine at the Buergenstock resort outside of Lucerne on June 15-16. About 90 countries and organizations confirmed their participation, according to Switzerland.

Russia did not accept the invitation.

But despite receiving the invitation, Russia will not attend the conference, Vladimir Khokhlov, spokesman for the Russian Embassy in Bern, said in April.

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